Save the Date for an exclusive Veronica trunk show!

Save the Date!  June 12th, 11 am- 2 pm!

Inspired by Kauai’s world of color, form and texture Veronica Jewelry is truly amazing. Each design is an original, hand-made piece of wearable art.  Veronica is Kauai’s most well know jewelry designer.  Wearing a Veronica piece  is like being a part of a secret society of fashion followers “Fashion is the most powerful art there is.  It’s movement, design and architecture all in one.  It shows the world who we are and who we’d like to be”.  We are all out to seek the latest and greatest Veronica piece. Having a Veronica piece in your collection can do many things for a lover of fashion accessories and one of a kind jewelry. Veronica jewelry can inspire a great workday outfit, be the perfect piece for a very romantic anniversary dinner, adorn a bride on her wedding day, or be the earrings you love so much you wear them everyday and they make you feel beautiful.  For me, it is all of the above.  I am a Veronica connoisseur, a lover of her jewelry!  It is amazing.  I wish I could better describe her jewelry in words.   I can’t so instead Veronica and I are going to showcase her jewelry at our gallery, Halele’a on Kauai June 12, 2011 from 11am-2pm.  Join us as we shop, eat cupcakes, and drink mimosas!

P.S.  Can’t make the trunk show?  We always carry a beautiful variety of Veronica Jewelry so stop on by anytime, 10am-9pm, 7 days a week.

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